In a previous blog I discussed my interest in teaching. I describe teaching as the ability to transfer your enthusiasm about a topic over to the people who you’re instructing.
So imagine if all the teachers in the world had enthusiasm about the topics they are responsible for teaching.

I know that we all have those up-and-down days, and sometimes we may not show much enthusiasm. But if teachers really love what they’re doing, the enthusiasm will shine through.
In the health profession we all have different talents. We all have things that we’re responsible for teaching to others. Some of these tasks might seem really mundane and rather average. But I challenge you to think about something that you really are enthused about.
What really gets you going? See if you can teach that to someone else. Make it a challenge to yourself. Say to yourself, “can I teach something to someone else in a way that I transfer my enthusiasm over to that other person?”
I try to do this every day when I’m dealing with my patients. It has been a part of me since I was a child. I always loved to share my curiosity and my enthusiasm.
Maybe it’s even better to think about it when you’re in a great mood.
Think about what brings a smile to your face what topic could you just talk about forever because you just love it so much? And choose the task of trying to convince someone or yet transform that person into someone who is as enthusiastic about that topic as you are.